Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Filming - Shot 2 (Tops of Volcanoes)

For my next shot, I wanted to continue setting the scene by taking some shots of the tops of the volcanoes. 

To do this, I used the 'Move' and 'Rotate' tools to reposition my camera above some of the volcanoes. I made sure that I was doing this at the first key frame on the timeline. 

I then dragged the bar on the timeline along in order to make another key frame. I basically took key frames at certain camera positions. I only made a couple of key frames for this clip because I only wanted it to be a short clip, and all the camera did was basically move forward along the volcanoes. 

Once I'd finished adding my animation, I wanted to render the clip because like before, the Play controls next to the timeline weren't very successful in giving me an actual feel for what the clip looked like because it lagged too much. I went to the 'Render' menu at the top and got up the 'Render Setup' window. 

I adjusted the settings correctly, making sure I had the right frames and view selected as well as an appropriate file name and clicked it to render.

The clip happened quite fast which is how I wanted it to be as I didn't want the shot to get boring if it became too long. However, for this clip I did have the returning problem of the lava moving.

Here is the clip:

The lava continued to animate for this clip because I had created it in an older version of the file, which I had forgotten to adjust the 'Noise' modifier for the lava in. Despite this however, I decided to use this clip anyway. I decided this because I only wanted to use the first bit of the clip where the lava was barely visible so it didn't have much of an impact. The small part at the end where the lava is clearly visible and animating, I did not want to use as it wasn't such a great shot of the volcanoes anyway. Instead of wasting time re-rendering the clip in 3ds Max, which would've taken a while, I decided I would just quickly chop the end of the video off in Premier. 

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