Wednesday 16 November 2011

Texturing My Lava

Now that I had added the Displace modifier and my lava was starting to look a little bit more alive and realistic, I decided it was time to start texturing it to add colour. 
To do this, I decided to take the lava height map image and open it up into Photoshop as I wanted to create my own textures myself. 

I started out by using the fill tool and added basic blocks of colour to the image. For example, I chose a mild orange colour for the main lava colour. I got rid of the lava stream that was going through the image and made it all orange too. I did this because I wanted the two hills to be surrounded completely by lava and not just a small stream. 
For the white patches that were dotted around, I made these pure black as these parts were raised in the image in 3dsMax so I didn't want them to be covered in lava. 
For the two mountains, I made the highest point a dark brown colour as this was going to be the part that surrounded the volcano. I wanted it to be quite dark to add to the contrast of the lava that surrounded it, and also because I was going to make my volcano quite a dark colour too so I wanted them to be quite similar so there wasn't too much of a contrast between them.
 The lower part of the mountains, I made a lighter grey/brown colour as the bottom part would receive more light from the lava so it would inevitably be a bit lighter in colour.
Also, for the thin bottom areas around the hills, I chose a dark reddish brown colour to fill them.

Now that I had majority of my image filled in, I wanted to add just a little bit more detail to it and add a little more colour and contrast. To do this, I used the 'pen tool' and selected a really bright orange colour. This was going to be to show the really hot, glowing lava.
At first, I started drawing round the black parts of the image to create a real contrast between the two colours, and act like the lava was creeping up. I added slight orange tints to some of the black tips as well just for extra detail and impact.
For the mountains, I drew around the two separate layers to create some contrast and the effect of lava just laying around. I also added some orange lines to the bottom layer of each to give the effect of lava being trapped and splashed around it.

This is what the final texture looks like:

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